Bahr el Gazel Board of Directors Development Kurutini Center

Opening of the “Centre Kurutini” in Moussoro

The opening ceremony for the new center took place on Wednesday October 5, 2022 in the presence of the local authorities as well as the Coordinator of the association.

The history of the association in general and the work in the Bahr el Gazel in particular was shared during the ceremony:

The video is in French only.

The new center is called “Centre Kurutini”. The name is a combination of French and Goran words. A Center is an establishment for courses and learning. The center is a place for the library, reading and for meetings. ‘Kurutini’ means development in the Goran language and means to put things forward. We want the “Centre Kurutini” to fulfill the aspirations of our association but also those of the community to advance the development of the city and the province.

There is a proverb in Goran that says

Tefaruma kijai, giju-ma tussu. 

The proverb says that saying something is easy, but doing it is hard. It is easy to share the ambitions of the association through this new center. The achievement will depend on the work that happens afterwards: the courses given, the relationships forged and the actions carried out. The realization will also depend on the authorities of the province and the city which can facilitate our work; the implementation will depend on our partners, the NGOs on site in Moussoro; the realization will depend on the civil society as well as the youth of the city. And without forgetting, the realization will depend on the help of God who will be able to do “infinitely more than all that we ask or imagine”.

The ceremony finished with a family photo:

Our thanks in particular go to the local authorities who officially declared the center to be open.

Bahr el Gazel Development

Pump repair in Lugudinga

On May 12, 2022, the association Service au Sahel received a visit from a delegation from the village of Lugudinga, situated 20km southeast of Moussoro.

The delegation explained that their hand pump wasn’t working any more. The village had been able to repair the pump several times, particularly closing the holes caused by rust in the pipes. They asked the association de help them repair the pump.

On May 17 the association, along with a team of repairmen based in Moussoro, were able to go visit the village. The removal of the pipes by the repair team showed clearly that all eight pipes were too rusted to be able to be used again. The association was able to offer eight new galvanized pipes.

Once the installation was done, the pump was quickly put into service by the children who live in the village. The residents of the village expressed their thanks for the repair.

The village has around 100 households according to its residents.

Bahr el Gazel Board of Directors Development Hadjer Hadid Health Kurutini Center Markas al Nour N'Djamena Ouaddai

2021 Year-End Report


This year-end report is a combination of updates from each of our projects. Together, they show the diversity of our activities as well as our desire to achieve our common vision:

“Reaching and transforming communities using education and development.”

The slogan of our association

We would like to thank all those who contributed during the past year to our common objectives.

Map of the primary locations where we work

Map showing the primary locations of the year-end report
The places where we worked in 2021

Report sections

The different sections of the year-end report can be downloaded below.


“There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

2021 saw a new start for Markas al Nour in N’Djamena with the appointment of a new director in August. Classes and other activities were less in the Bahr el Gazel in 2021 compared to 2020. Water and community-led total sanitation continued in the Ouaddai with the same rhythm as before.

The transformation we would like to see in coming, but has not yet been achieved, so we will continue to work hard in the coming years. In the meantime, we hope that you appreciate reading the report about what we’ve accomplished in 2021.

N’Djamena, the 27th of March 2022

The Secretary General of SAS

Bahr el Gazel Board of Directors Development Hadjer Hadid Kurutini Center Markas al Nour N'Djamena Ouaddai

2020 Annual Report

This report gives details about the work our association did in 2020. All the reports are in French.

Table of Contents


2020 had plenty of success and challenges. The biggest challenge was the financial crisis which forced the closure of our Markas al Nour education center. Nonetheless, the center reopened its doors in order to keep offering high quality instruction. Our activities in Moussoro and Hadjer Hadid were slowed down by covid-19, but were still able to adapt and continue. We will continue working together on our common objectives in education and development in 2021.

Here are the number of beneficiaries from our activities in 2020:

Markas al Nour – N’Djamena288
Education classes – Moussoro203
Animal health videos – Moussoro120
Water, health, and mapping – Hadjer Hadid3800
Sewing and distributing masks – Hadjer Hadid800
Health and cultural videos – Hadjer Hadid100

We would like to thank all those who helped us continue advancing our goals.

The Secretary General for Service au Sahel


22 April 2021

Abeche Bahr el Gazel Board of Directors Development Hadjer Hadid Health Kurutini Center Markas al Nour N'Djamena Ouaddai

2019 Annual Report

This report summarizes all the work that the association has done in 2019. All the reports are in French.

Table of Contents


2019 was a difficult year for the association. Even with many successes, the general financial climate in Chad slowed down several of our projects. Nonetheless, our work in education and development impacted thousands of people:

Markas al Nour818
Cours décentralisés49
Markaz Attafahum13
Projets de Développement – Hadjer Hadid516
Projets de Développement – Moussoro1075

We would like to thank all those who helped us continue advancing our goals.

The Secretary General for Service au Sahel


11 July, 2020

Bahr el Gazel Development

Animal Health Videos

In January 2020 the association, in partnership with the regional federation of animal farmers from the Bahr el Gazel, and with the technical support of the Ministry of Animal Husbandry, gave a training on animal health.

The videos are available on the following Youtube playlist:

The videos were done in the local language, Dazaga, also called Goran.

Bahr el Gazel Development Kurutini Center

News from the Bahr el Gazel

Service au Sahel is working hard in the Bahr el Gazel.  Here is the latest news:


During summer vacation, we are pleased to offer several classes to local students.  We finished one English class and have a new one started.  A computer class has also started.

Previous English course

Rakiss and Bill teaching the current English course


In addition, Service au Sahel was able to offer a well to a village 20km away from Moussoro.

Hand pump well 20km away from Moussoro