26 and 27 November 2024 in Moussoro
A medical training event was held by the Health Delegation in Moussoro the 26 and 27 of November. The training was a partnership between the association Service au Sahel and the Ministry of Health, represented by the Health Delegate, Dr. Youssouf Saleh Mahamat.
Maternal and infant deaths are elevated in the Bahr el Gazel province compared to the goals established by the Ministry of Health. For this reason, the association wanted the participants to understand the following things after having taken the training:
- Understand the Golden Minute and the risk signs for newborns.
- Recognize a baby that is not doing well and start resuscitation correctly without any delay.
- Understand what a normal birth is like, as well as moderate and heavy bleeding.
- Correctly diagnose moderate or severe hemorrhaging and start immediate treatment according to established steps.
The training was primarily given by Drs Michael Schüle and Claudia Wahl. The association also was supported by a volunteer medical team from outside of Chad, composed of two additional doctors and two midwives.

Starting with the knowledge the health professionals already hqd, the training reinforced the steps for emergency treatment. Most of the training time was devoted to practicing established steps, using simulation models and actresses.
Day 1 Moussoro Provincial Hospital
The training was opened on Tuesday 26 November by the Health Delegate. He underlined the need for improved maternal health practices in the province. According to the Delegate, there had been 22 maternal deaths for the current year, or on average 2 per month. According to the audit done by the health delegation, almost half of the cases were due to Postpartum Hemorrhages. Along with this sobering statistic, the Delegate noted that there had been 74 neonatal deaths in the year thus far.
After the opening ceremony, the training focused on postpartum hemorrhaging. First, the trainers discussed a normal delivery and postpartum treatment. After the coffee break, moderate bleeding was taught. After lunch, the training covered severe bleeding. The day finished with a summary of all that had been covered and a time for questions.

All training topics were first presented theoretically and then practices with activities, allowing the participants to put the protocols they learn to practice on simulation models or actresses.
Day 2 Moussoro Urban Health Center #1

The second day focused on neonatal resuscitation, starting with how to evaluate and how to give primary care. The use of a bag valve mask (“Ambu bag”) was practiced. After the coffee break, ventilation and the protocol for resuscitation was practiced. The second day of training finished with a summary of the subjects taught on both days.

A small ceremony was held at the end of the day to give the participants their certificates. The ceremony was attended by both the Health Delegate and the Head Doctor for the District, Dr. Abdraman Hamajouma.
Dur the closing ceremony, Samuel Schoofs, the Secretary General of the association made note of the fact that the training was taught through listening, watching, and doing. The trainers wanted to improve information retention by teaching using multiple sense.
The Health Delegate encouraged all the participants to put the training material in practice in their daily work. He also thanked the association for organizing the training.
A total of 24 people were trained, including 15 from the Provincial Hospital, 7 from Urban Health Center #1 and 2 from Urban Health Center #2. Among the people trained, there were doctors, nurses, midwives, and health technicians.

Many participants noted that they appreciated the practical emphasis that the training used.
Future Possibilities
This was the sixth training that the association Service au Sahel has organized in Moussoro since 2019. Considering the ongoing training needs for healthcare workers in the province, it is possible that future trainings will be organized with the help of the Health Delegation.