The opening ceremony for the new center took place on Wednesday October 5, 2022 in the presence of the local authorities as well as the Coordinator of the association.

The history of the association in general and the work in the Bahr el Gazel in particular was shared during the ceremony:
The new center is called “Centre Kurutini”. The name is a combination of French and Goran words. A Center is an establishment for courses and learning. The center is a place for the library, reading and for meetings. ‘Kurutini’ means development in the Goran language and means to put things forward. We want the “Centre Kurutini” to fulfill the aspirations of our association but also those of the community to advance the development of the city and the province.

There is a proverb in Goran that says
Tefaruma kijai, giju-ma tussu.
The proverb says that saying something is easy, but doing it is hard. It is easy to share the ambitions of the association through this new center. The achievement will depend on the work that happens afterwards: the courses given, the relationships forged and the actions carried out. The realization will also depend on the authorities of the province and the city which can facilitate our work; the implementation will depend on our partners, the NGOs on site in Moussoro; the realization will depend on the civil society as well as the youth of the city. And without forgetting, the realization will depend on the help of God who will be able to do “infinitely more than all that we ask or imagine”.
The ceremony finished with a family photo:

Our thanks in particular go to the local authorities who officially declared the center to be open.