Bahr el Gazel Development

Pump repair in Lugudinga

On May 12, 2022, the association Service au Sahel received a visit from a delegation from the village of Lugudinga, situated 20km southeast of Moussoro.

The delegation explained that their hand pump wasn’t working any more. The village had been able to repair the pump several times, particularly closing the holes caused by rust in the pipes. They asked the association de help them repair the pump.

On May 17 the association, along with a team of repairmen based in Moussoro, were able to go visit the village. The removal of the pipes by the repair team showed clearly that all eight pipes were too rusted to be able to be used again. The association was able to offer eight new galvanized pipes.

Once the installation was done, the pump was quickly put into service by the children who live in the village. The residents of the village expressed their thanks for the repair.

The village has around 100 households according to its residents.