January 18 – 19, 2023 at the Provincial Hospital in Moussoro
Service au Sahel (SAS) organized training in Moussoro in coordination with the Representative of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Amboulmato Hormo. The training was led by two volunteer doctors who came to Moussoro from N’Djamena.
SAS previously organized postpartum hemorrhage training at the hospital in Moussoro in June 2022, neonatal resuscitation training in November 2021 and dental extraction in October 2019.The training was officially opened by Dr. Hormo along with the Director of the Provincial Hospital, Brahim Mahamat Mahadi. Dr. Hormo underlined the importance of this training at the hospital, because often such trainings are only given at the largest hospitals in the largest cities in Chad.

Day 1 Cardio-Pulmonary Arrest
Day 1 focused on cardio-pulmonary arrest and was taught by Dr. Michael Schüle.

Adult resuscitation typically has a low rate of success due to various complicating factors. Therefore, it is advantageous to prevent cardo-pulmonary arrest before it starts.
Dr. Schüle’s training covered all steps necessary for basic adult resuscitation as well as the steps needed for advanced resuscitation.

He finished by reviewing the material on neonatal resuscitation that had been covered in the previous training in November 2021.Practical exercises were woven throughout the material to help reinforce the information that was being shared.

Day 2 Obstetrical emergencies
Day 2 focused on obstetrical emergencies and was taught by Dr. Claudia Wahl. She discussed how emergencies are rare but are nonetheless potentially mortal for either the mother or the child, or both.
First, she focused on bleeding as a sign of urgency. She covered the various diagnostic actions that need to be done to diagnose the patient.

After the break, she taught about convulsions as a sign of urgency. Eclampsia is always a risk for women with a pregnancy that is more than 22 weeks along.

Finally, the training finished with a review of post-partum hemorrhaging that had been covered in June 2022.Similar to the training from Day 1, practical activities were included in the training so that participants could gain experience responding to different scenarios in the training room.
A total of 16 people were trained, including two doctors, five midwives, four nurses, and three nursing technicians. The 16 healthcare providers who completed the training at the hospital received certificates at the end of the training. In addition, the two doctors who gave the training each received a certificate from the Health Representative recognizing their contribution.

The Representative of the Ministry of Health emphasized in his speech, the need for the hospital staff to put the training into practice. He said that the training will help to save someone’s life. Similarly, Service au Sahel desires to see improved healthcare at the Provincial Hospital and throughout the Province.